
Welcome to the TsunamiZone in California!


Click to see the number of North Coast participants Click to see the number of Shasta Cascade participants Click to see the number of Bay Area participants Click to see the number of participants from Delta Sierra Click to see the number of Delta Sierra participants Click to see the number of Inyo-Mono participants Click to see the number of participants from Central Valley South Click to see the number of Central Coast participants Click to see the number of participants from Southern California Coast Click to see the number of participants from Inland Southern California East Click to see the number of participants from San Diego Mouseover Mouseover Mouseover Mouseover

and counting!

Click the map for details about each area

All Californians are encouraged to plan and register #TsunamiPrep activities (at work, school, and home) to be counted as part of California’s 2025 Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 22 – 30) or on any other day of the year!

There are many ways to participate – you can organize or join a group tsunami walk, attend an in-person lecture or an online webinar, find out if you are in a tsunami hazard zone, update your “Go Bag,” or many other options.

View or add to a list of events open to the public

participants registered

California Resources

1) CalOES MyHazards Tool

Learn more about the risk for tsunamis and other natural hazards (including earthquakes, floods, and fire) in your neighborhood, and how to reduce your risk at MyHazards, a tool provided by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

2) CGS Tsunami Hazard Maps

California tsunami hazard maps show where areas on land can become quickly flooded from a tsunami’s waves. Tsunami hazard maps are intended to be used to help people plan how they can get from dangerous areas to safe areas by showing where high, safe ground is located. These maps can be used by anyone to plan a safe evacuation route. You can practice walking out of the tsunami zone to be better prepared for a real tsunami. CGS has also developed an easy to use California Tsunami Preparedness Guide for the public. You can practice walking out of the tsunami zone to be better prepared for a real tsunami. For more information about tsunamis, including a website about the impacts of 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and California, please visit the CGS Tsunami Website at 

3) Preparedness Resources

A collection of tsunami preparedness materials specific to California is listed below. You may want to also access our global resources page for more information.

California Geological Survey Tsunami Program

Cal OES Tsunami Hazards Page

Redwood Coast Tsunami WorkGroup

Tsunami Postcard (PDF)


ShakeOut Earthquake Safety Video Series – If You’re Near the Shore:

How to Plan a Tsunami Walk!

Maritime Tsunami Preparedness


Tsunami Basics for Everyone Tsunami Basics for K12 and Higher Education Tsunami Basics for Businesses


Tsunami Walk Guide Tsunami Key Facts


Cal OES Tsunami Brochure (PDF) TSUNAMIS!
What Boaters Should Know
Sausalito Tsunami Brochure (PDF)
Cal OES Tsunami Brochure TSUNAMIS! What Boaters Should Know Sausalito Tsunami Brochure

Poster: California Tsunami History


4) Educational Videos

Tsunamis: Know What to Do!

Tsunami Preparedness in Southern California

Tsunami Preparedness in Central California

Tsunami Preparedness in Northern California

Recovering Hope: A Piece of Tsunami Debris
Brings Two Cities Together

Levels of Tsunami Alerts & Warnings
(from the City of Los Angeles)


Select your area for local resources: