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Tsunami: Fast, Furious, and Fascinating (Webinar)

March 23, 2021, 2 - 3 pm ()

Event Location:
, (Map)

Event Contact:
Jason Ballmann, Southern California Earthquake Center,, 5628842360

This special webinar as part of California's Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 22-26, 2021) will provide an overview of how tsunamis occur, the threats they pose, and how to reduce their impacts.

Full Description:
This special webinar as part of California's Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 22-26, 2021) will provide an overview of how tsunamis occur, the threats they pose, and how to reduce their impacts.

Presenters and Topics:

***Cynthia Pridmore, (Senior Engineering Geologist, California Geological Survey):

• What is a tsunami, how do they form, where do they come from, how they are different than wind waves, why they can be so destructive and dangerous, notable California tsunamis, and mention how science is used to model the effects of potential future tsunamis and how this information is used to create California’s tsunami hazard maps.

***Yvette LaDuke (Tsunami Planning Coordinator, California Governor\'s Office of Emergency Services):

• How to know when a tsunami is coming (natural and official warnings), what to do when you get a warning, tsunami preparedness and the various products and materials that support it, including
