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ECA Central Coast Tsunami Webinar: Tsunami Information, Inspiration, and Preparedness

March 16, 2022, 11 am - 12 pm (online)

Yvette LaDuke, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
Nick Graehl, California Geological Survey

This special webinar features the science of tsunamis, how to “Know Your Zone” and to understand tsunami warning levels, and how to be prepared to take needed action.

Full Description:
This special webinar hosted by ECA Central Coast is open to anyone statewide interested in learning about the science of tsunamis, about past tsunamis that have impacted California (including the recent volcanic tsunami), how to “Know Your Zone” and to understand tsunami warning levels, and how to be prepared to take needed action– including as part of California’s annual Tsunami Preparedness Week (March 21-25, 2022)!
