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Annual Tsunami Response Playbook Communications Exercise

March 27, 2025, 2 - 3 pm (online)

Event Location:

Event Contact:
Todd Becker, Cal OES Seismic Hazards Branch,

Full Description:
The California Tsunami Program (Cal OES, CGS, and NWS) are planning the State Tsunami Exercise for Thursday, March 27th from 1400-1500 hours.

The exercise this year will be conducted virtually through MS Teams in a workshop format to review a scenario like the December 5th offshore earthquake and tsunami warning.
The objectives of the exercise include:
• Understand the National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) tsunami event and analysis procedures.
• Review primary and secondary tsunami notification pathways.
• Discuss tsunami warning and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) follow-on messaging for an earthquake off the California coast.
• Recognize the differences in maps associated with tsunami alerting and tsunami hazard.
The exercise guidebook and a survey requesting your input regarding planned response actions and follow-on messaging will be sent out ahead of the exercise around March 14th.
We will request completion of the survey by March 21st prior to the exercise.
Please reach out with any questions, and we look forward to your participation on March 27th.
