TsunamiZone Promotional and Safety Materials
The following materials are available to you to help spread the word about Tsunami Preparedness Week (and encourage people to plan their own preparedness activities).
Quickly jump to:
What To Do During a Tsunami:
Download these PDF files that can be printed at 8.5×11 as flyers, or printed at a larger, proportional size of your choice.
Download these PDF files that can be customized and printed at size or larger for Tsunami Walk events.
Download and use the Tsunami Walk Guide too!
8.5 x 11
11 x 17
Promotional Graphics
Promotional Graphics

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(1080×154 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(1080×154 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(1080×154 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(1080×154 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(1080×154 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(728×90 px)

Square Format,
(1080×1080 px)

Wide Format,
(1200×630 px)

Banner Format – E-Mail Signatures,
(728×90 px)