/info/vh/scec/eqcountry/shakeout/../../tsunamizone/wp-content/themes/tsunami/js/mediaitems.js TsunamiZone
See also: TsunamiZone News  |  TsunamiZone Participant Updates

2019 TsunamiZone Media Advisories
10/01/2019: Fields Landing Tsunami Evacuation DRILL Saturday October 12, 2019, 10:00 a.m.
03/20/2019: California\'s Tsunami Preparedness Week Set for March 25-29 with Record Number of Participants
2018 TsunamiZone Media Advisories
03/27/2018: Are You in the Zone? It\'s Tsunami Preparedness Week in California!
03/26/2018: Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Tsunami Preparedness Week
03/23/2018: Officials to test tsunami warning system in Central and Southern California during Tsunami Preparedness Week
03/23/2018: Tsunami Warning Communications Test (North Coast): Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino Counties
2017 TsunamiZone Media Advisories
09/28/2017: Recent Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Gathering, Understanding, and Sharing Information with the USGS and NOAA Websites
03/21/2017: City of Long Beach Helping Residents Prepare for Tsunamis
2016 TsunamiZone Media Advisories
09/01/2016: USGS: September is National Preparedness Month
09/01/2016: FEMA: September is National Preparedness Month
TsunamiZone Media Advisories
03/24/2014: Recommendations for Improving California’s Policy Framework for Tsunamis released in California’s Tsunami Risk: A Call for Action Report
03/24/2014: CALIFORNIA PREPARES HARBORS FOR FUTURE TSUNAMIS 50th Anniversary of Deadliest Wave in State’s History Coming Up
03/19/2014: Officials to test tsunami warning system in Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino counties during Tsunami Preparedness Week
03/19/2014: Officials to test tsunami warning system in central and southern Calif. during Tsunami Preparedness Week
